Saturday, September 3, 2011

With a Mighty Oh- Yeah we have completed our first five day week with students!  Some days were better than others, but overall, it is going well.  There are tweeks that need to be ironed out with kids coming and going out of my room.  I try to do as many lessons as possible with the entire group, but I really need to work on those with extra special needs in getting time to work with them individually.  Right now my motive is to get everyone on the same page.  I want to make sure that the students understand what we are doing and why as well as the personal care aids.  Over the next couple of weeks, I plan to have us all working in small groups as needed with my aids using WBT as their method of instruction when working with either their student or a small group.

The biggest challenge I ran into this week was the universal homework model.  Parents were so confused.  I think they kinda got the hang of it by the end of the week to a point.  When we have open house in two weeks, I am going to invite parents to come into my room and listen to demonstrate WBT.  At that time, they can ask questions and clear up any concerns about homework.

Pardon the repition in pictures, but I took more pictures with my camera instead of my phone, so I want to post them again so you don't get stiff necks.

I still have to label my power pics by rows and columns, but I wanted to get an idea how they will layout.  I think I am going to have to push the math boards together to allow at least three more.  I am thinking that when I run out of room, I will put them back in their binders and start new.  The binder will be in a central location for independent or small group review.  I will also go back and review by using my Smart Board so that they don't think just because they are down, we can forget about them.

I really like my Super Improvers wall.  I found some extra name plates from another year.  The kids drew their name however they wanted and we hung them.  I couple have already earned stars.  We are hoping to get some pictures up by Open House.  We definately should have pictures turned by parent conferences in Oct. for parents to take a quick peek.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful WBT blog! I received a Versitile Blogger Award and wanted to pass it on to you. Thanks for being an inspiration.


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