Tuesday, March 13, 2012

State Assessments

This week is filled with administering the state assessment.  It is difficult going from a day of fun filled, learning to these grueling days of testing.  We are having light and fluffy afternoons though.  Most of the kids are not returning to my room; however, those that do are taking advantage of computer time, movie time, and simple games.  We finish up the testing on Monday next week.  That leaves me with only 3 days of instructional time because they are off for teacher in-service that Friday.  I plan to spend that time doing a lot of superspeed along with a unit on poetry.  Writing poems using oral writing first just might be fun!

Stay tuned for our last week in March.  I am planning a March Madness where the 3rd and 4th graders duel against each other for the Super Whole Brain Students.  I still have to firm up the plans for that week, but we are looking at scoreboard, homework points, super improvers, maybe a mind soccer (or mind basketball) match.  Maybe we can even get parts of it on video!  Keep checking back!


  1. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. I would love to award with you with the Lovely Blog award! Come check it out.



  3. Hi! I am now a follower! Come cheeck out my blog and TpT store!




  4. I just wanted to let you know that I chose your blog as one of my top 5 to pass my Liebster Blog award along to. It will post on my site on the 12th :)

    Enjoy your summer.

  5. Hi! I don't think my last comment reached you. I'm giving you The Lovely Blog Award and the Versatile Blogger Award. Would love for you to come by & check them out!


Snow Day Blogging

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