Saturday, July 30, 2011

Under Construction

I apologize for the appearance of this blog. I am attempting to redesign it, but blogger keeps giving me trouble with HTML codes. I want it to look like a fun, educational, WBT blog. I will keep at it and hopefully find what I like prior to school starting! In the meantime, good luck to all of you teachers getting ready to start your new WBT year!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Phoenix Conference

I have just returned home from the Phoenix conference. It is much hotter here in PA with a heat index of 105 and high humidity! With that said though, nothing is hotter than a Whole Brain Teaching conference. The energy is amazing and oh so much fun! Give me an Oh yeah!" I learned so many things and can't wait to use them this year in my classroom! It is always difficult going back to work after a 3 month break because I get used to all the valued family time! Knowing that I have all this great stuff to improve my WBT makes it easier to start the year.

I am not able to get into my classroom until the second week of August; however, as soon as I get it set up, I will definitely post photos. Keep checking back though for updated posts.

Good luck to all you fellow WBT out there!

Snow Day Blogging

I can’t believe we are more than 100 days into the school year!  I really had high hopes for returning to blogging this school year, but wi...