Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Coming Soon

I can't believe I have not posted since March!  I apologize to my viewers.  Time flies so fast and I thought I had something from April and May.  It could be because I had some failed post that I attempted to put up from my iPad.  I also tried to load a video from the last week of school, but our district network was not working properly and it failed to load.  It was a rushed video asking students their favorite part of WBT, but it didn't go as planned.  Since I teach learning support, students were being quickly pulled from my classroom to do fun activities with their homeroom.

Now on to my "coming soon"!  I am going to organize a Back to School blog hop for all you WBT out there.  You will be able to hop along from my blog to about 15-20 other blogs by staff and interns of WBT.  See all the ways we begin a new year implementing WBT from the key 4, critical thinking, and the Super Improvers Wall.  Let us help you get started, or let us hear your ideas and what works and what doesn't!  I hope to offer some blog candy along the way as well.  Keep checking back.  I will update the information with a date and time to begin the fun!  I will also post back to the forum as well.  Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Snow Day Blogging

I can’t believe we are more than 100 days into the school year!  I really had high hopes for returning to blogging this school year, but wi...